Amber Nicole Thurman Husband

Amber Nicole Thurman Was A Single Mother To Her 6-year-old Son As Her Husband Was Not Present In Their Lives

28-year-old Amber Nicole Thurman was a single mother to her 6-year-old son, whereas the identity of her former husband is unknown.

Thurman was a devoted mom to her son and was expecting twins in the summer of 2022, which would further expand her responsibilities as a mother.

However, Amber tragically lost her life to severe sepsis after a delayed D&C surgery, which was preventable if not for Georgia’s abortion ban law, which classified the procedure as a felony.

Nicole worked as a medical assistant and had plans to enroll in nursing school before the tragedy occurred.

What’s heartbreaking is that a young boy lost his mother due to an abortion ban law when her death was entirely preventable.

Amber’s Life Could Have Been Easily Saved Had It Not Been For Georgia’s Abortion Ban

Amber Nicole Thurman’s only family appeared to be her precious son, for whom she fulfilled both parental roles.

In August of 2022, Amber was pregnant but decided to abort her twin babies to preserve her family’s stability.

On August 18, 2022, doctors at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Georgia discovered that the 28-year-old had acute severe sepsis and required immediate surgery.

However, the delay in surgery cost Amber her life, and doctors declared her deceased on August 19, 2022.

Thurman loved being a mother to her son, and even in her final moments, she shared her last words with her mother, saying:

Promise me you’ll take care of my son.

It is a matter of shame and disgrace for the great nation of America that it allowed a six-year-old to grow up without a mother because of an inhumane law.

Following the incident, the online community became curious about Amber’s husband, hoping he would be there for their son.

However, no one has provided information about her son’s father, and Amber never had a known marriage.

The aspiring health assistant was a single mother, and it is safe to assume that her son’s father never played a role in their lives, although the reason is unknown.

Additional Information

  • Amber Thurman had to travel to North Carolina to seek an abortion because of the Georgia six-week abortion ban law.
  • After Amber’s demise, Georgia’s maternal mortality review committee disclosed that her life could have been saved had the surgery been performed earlier. (CDC)
  • Recently, the online community has shared their disapointment and criticism on the 22 states abortion ban.

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